Dziecko w matni rozwodu rodziców
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Economic, political as well as moral changes have altered family structure. At present, more and more children are raised in (incomplete) broken families. Divorce influences all the functions of family. It triggers off a whole series of transitions that modify lives of people taking part in it.
The aim presented in the article is an attempt to answer the following question: “If, and how the disintegration of family influences the psychosocial functioning of a child”.
The research refers to a group of sixty children aged between 7 and 9. The basic group consisted of broken families and the comparison group consisted of complete families. For the analysis of the attitude of parents M. Ziemska Questionnaire for Parents was used. For the assessment of manifestation and level of psychosocial functioning of children the CBI E. Schaefer and M. Aaronson Questionnaire was used.
It was stated-ehat there is a relation between some parental attitudes and psychosocial functioning of examined children. Family disintegration and lack of contact with the father have harmful influence on the child. Children from incomplete families are characterised by lower level of verbal expression and tactful behaviour. They are more nervous and ferocious. Higer level of social alienation is also more common among them.
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