Didactic Dimension of Integral Development and Upbringing of a Student in the Light of Stefan Kunowski’s Concept and Core Curriculum

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Krystyna Chałas


In the context of the topic of the study, the basic question arises: what is the didactic dimension of the individual layers of human development in relation to the Core curriculum? The above question implies specific questions: what is the scope of the school's tasks in terms of individual contours in the core curriculum?; in which subjects are the content of the individual contours concentrated?; what is the scope of general and specific objectives in teaching subjects with respect to contours?; what kind of educational and didactic work method are proposed in relation to particular contours in the core curriculum?

Answers to the above questions were searched for by means of material analysis and synthesis. The analyzed materials were: the concept of integral development and upbringing and the core curriculum for grades IV-VIII of the elementary school.

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