Protection of the Work of Creation. Ecology in the Teachings of Benedict XVI

  • Marek Fiałkowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: environmental protection; the Church and ecology; Benedict XVI; ecology of man; ecology of the family; ecology of peace


The Church after the Second Vatican Council joined the discussion concerning natural environment, treating ecological issues as a sign of the times. The teachings of Benedict XVI concerning ecology fit the teaching of the Church after the Second Vatican Council, continuing and de­veloping some of its elements and pointing towards new perspectives. This articles aims at addressing key ecological issues presented in the teachings of the Pope, focusing on three areas: ecology of man, ecology of the family and ecology of peace. Benedict XVI combines the issues of the protection of nature with humanity and its condition, and with the need to build good social relations vital for both keeping the balance between people and maintaining and protecting peace.


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