New Evangelization - on the Way towards New Forms and Methods of Proclaiming the Gospel Marginal Remarks on the Document Entitled New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith. Lineamenta

  • Marek Fiałkowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: evangelization; new evangelization; the Church; Courtyard of the Gentiles; non-believers; mission of the Church; synod; the Year of Faith


Benedict XVI's launching of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Bishops, devoted to the new evangelization, and finally the Lineamenta published in 2011 make a good starting point for the Church's rethinking of its identity and mission. This paper touches upon the issue of the new evangelization, starting from defining its essence, and then it comes to present – drawing upon the Lineamenta – the major forms and methods of transmitting the Gospel that seems to be the most effective in contemporary world. Of utmost importance is the Church's loyalty to the mission bestowed on her by Christ. Also important is that the Church understands the processes that take place in the world to which Christ sends His disciples, as teachers and witnesses of the Good News. Noteworthy is the initiative called „Courtyard of the Gentiles”, which is an interesting proposal of a dialogue with people seeking God.


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