Poetry Is Also Sound: The Art of Words as a Performing Art

Keywords: poetry, performance, stage poets, rap, slam poetry, spoken word


Broadly speaking, the development of poetry proceeds from an oral form, possibly accompanied by an instrument, to a written form. The invention of printing and the emergence of institutions such as publishing houses and bookstores gave written poetry a great status. The oral form remained but was limited to being read out or recited from the paper form. In order to bring this to a successful conclusion, rules were developed that the reading poet or performance artist had to comply with. This situation persisted into the 1960s. Presenting poetry on stage evolved after 1945 and led to radical changes in the art of performance in various phases. The question is whether this has led to a completely different type of poetry and whether the importance of the literary magazine still exists. And what are the consequences of these developments for the presentation of the texts themselves?


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