The Image of the Family in Boerenpsalm (A Peasant’s Psalm) by Felix Timmermans and Placówka (The Outpost) by Bolesław Prus
This article is an attempt to present the image of the family that is contained in two novels, Boerenpsalm (A Peasant’s Psalm) by Felix Timmermans and Placówka (The Outpost) by Bolesław Prus. The article begins with an introduction, explaining the phenomenon of regional prose which was present at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in both Dutch and Polish literature. Following this, aspects such as time, space and the subject of the novel, as well as the way of presenting the family theme, are discussed. The article ends with a summary and discussion of the conclusions drawn. The family community is the eternal and basic structure of interpersonal relationships. The family presented in the novels analysed is a large, multi-generational community, based on relationships. However, it can be unequivocally stated that the manner of presenting this community is different in the two novels discussed.
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