The Path to Holiness According to Origen

  • Jacek Romanek Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: path of spiritual perfection; holiness; baptism; Origen


The article displays the concept of the path leading to saintliness found within the extant early Christian works of the renowned theologian – Origen of Alexandria (185-253/254). The Alexandrian theologian creatively construes Saint Paul’s notions simultaneously employing allegorical exegesis to the biblical texts of the Old Testament. According to Origen, a Christian life is a dynamic process driven by two important life moments: 1) the conversion and baptism as a recovery of the slurred by sin God’s image and attaining of the state of initial holiness; 2) complete state of saintliness in the last days, towards which a Christian is progressing in his earthly life in order to perfect the semblance to God in himself through the acquisition of virtues. In Origen’s view of holiness, it is neither a state intricate to attain nor reserved only for the chosen ones, yet a bequest given by God at baptism, and at the same time tasked to every believer for life.

Biogram autora

Jacek Romanek, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii

Mgr Jacek Romanek OFMCap − doktorant KUL, Instytut Historii Kościoła i Patrologii, Katedra Patrologii Greckiej i Łacińskiej


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