The Path to Holiness According to Origen
The article displays the concept of the path leading to saintliness found within the extant early Christian works of the renowned theologian – Origen of Alexandria (185-253/254). The Alexandrian theologian creatively construes Saint Paul’s notions simultaneously employing allegorical exegesis to the biblical texts of the Old Testament. According to Origen, a Christian life is a dynamic process driven by two important life moments: 1) the conversion and baptism as a recovery of the slurred by sin God’s image and attaining of the state of initial holiness; 2) complete state of saintliness in the last days, towards which a Christian is progressing in his earthly life in order to perfect the semblance to God in himself through the acquisition of virtues. In Origen’s view of holiness, it is neither a state intricate to attain nor reserved only for the chosen ones, yet a bequest given by God at baptism, and at the same time tasked to every believer for life.
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