Attempts Related to the Spiritual Fight for the Liberation of Man from the Influence of the Demon

Keywords: authority, charism, crucified, disobedience, desperation, exorcist, fight, possession, temptation


The author intends to introduce a theological reflection on the experience of exorcists and possessed by the devil, regarding the temptations and trials that incur in the exorcistic and liberation prayer.

As for the exorcist or someone who has a charism of liberation, the first temptation comes from the root of pride, which pushes to identify themselves with the assignment or charisma that has been received. It is therefore important to qualify who the exorcist is and who can perform exorcisms. Does the gap between the institution of the ministry and the charism justify a direct commission from God?

With regard to the person attacked by the devil, the duration and intensity of the sufferings lead to loneliness and despair, with the loss of the theological virtues, especially of hope, which is the ultimate goal of the devil.

Temptations are actually the way to defeat the devil, where the essence of exorcism, in addition to the form of direct command, finds its fulfillment in conformation to the cross of Christ. The exorcist configured to Christ is the true liberator of souls with Jesus and the possessed person is the true crucified with Jesus. Both contribute to the defeat of the devil and to the glory of God.


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