Information of the Organs in the Inventories of Przemyśl Diocese Prepared on the Basis of the Instruction from 1933

  • Andrzej Widak Higher Theological Seminary in Rzeszów
Keywords: diocese of Przemyśl; instruction; inventories; organs


Parish inventories are an important source of information about the organs. They were written during the visit of bishops or deans as well as made for clear command of diocesan supervisor. In 1927, 1928, „przemyskie 3 instrukcje” 1933 were published in the diocese of Przemyśl. The instruction of 1933 concerned the preparation of inventories. In the Archdiocese Archive in Przemyśl there are 58 inventories written in the years 1933-1945 according to this instruction.

These instructions were described in this article and then on the basis of survived inventories, information about the organs was analysed. The information about the organ are in 49 inventories. Information about 50 instruments was obtained and they relate to their location, outward appearance, builders, date of building, size of the instruments, state of surviving and their value. The annexe contains the source extracts concerning the organs. Collected information, apart from details about the instruments, is an evidence of the way the organs were described their outward appearance, size, mechanisms or the state of surviving.


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