The Main Representatives of Organ Building in the United States in 1815–1860
In this article, the activity of the main representatives of organ building in the United States in 1815–1860 is discussed. This was a time when organ building moved from traditional organ workshops to organ factories. There were both individual organ builders and organ-building families and firms. Three centres – New England, New York and Pennsylvania – were in the lead. The main organ builders of those particular centres were: the Goodrich Brothers, Thomas Appleton, Thomas Hall and Henry Erben, as well as the Krauss and Dieffenbach families. In the other states, the building of organs was developing to a smaller extent, but it was under the influence of organ builders from the above-mentioned centres. Most organs were designated for churches, but chamber organs for home usage (Alley and Pool) were popular as well. In time, they were replaced by reed organs. Initially, organs were built according to English and German patterns, but a domestic style of organ building also started to take shape.
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