The Musical Preparation of Candidates for Priesthood and Ordained Priests in Poland

  • Tomasz Lisiecki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: music; musical education of priests; music programs of teaching in Polish clergy seminaries; permanent music formation of priests


Author analyzes the issue of musical preparation of candidates for the priesthood and the permanent music formation of priests already working in the ministry. The main argument points to the need for such preparation of future priests to competently lead the religious community. The level of liturgy is highly dependent on them while music plays an important role in it. Author presents the theoretical assumptions contained in the teaching of the Church. They show clearly the need for a thorough musical education of priests. In addition, there were presented two music programs of teaching in Polish clergy seminaries. According to the author, the last one (used since 1999) requires clarifications and corrections in order to effectively implement the objectives established by Church. 


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