The Memory of Baptism in the Introductory Rites of the Holy Mass

  • Piotr Kulbacki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: sprinkling; Asperges; blessed water; baptism; Holy Mass; introductory rites; penitential act; Missal of Paul VI


Sprinkling with water as a sign of covenant and purification is rooted in the Old Testament. Although Christians accepted the biblical symbolism of water, sprinkling with it in the liturgy encountered resistance. In ancient times that reluctance resulted from the similarity of sprinkling to pagan rites, in the Middle Ages and during the Reformation from the danger of treating this rite in the liturgy as a repetition of baptism. The rite of sprinkling initially had no connection with the liturgy of the Mass, later it became the rite preceding the Mass (Asperges) and it was of purifying and penitential character. The development of the introductory rites in the Mass led to the formation of the penitential act among them, which in the post-Tridentine Missal took the form of the Confiteor. The post-conciliar Missal of Paul VI included Asperges in the introductory rites of the Mass providing for the possibility of replacing the penitential act on Sunday with Asperges, and at the same time treating it as the memory of baptism. The analyses of the subsequent editions of the post-conciliar Missal indicate, among others, the connection of Asperges with the liturgy of baptism during the Easter Vigil. The prayers of Asperges also highlight the baptismal character of the common priesthood of the faithful. The service which completes the rite of Missal Asperges is Vespers of Resurrection Sunday connected with the sprinkling of baptismal water.


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