The Reform and Renewal of the Liturgy in the Light of Selected Speeches by Paul VI from the Years 1966-1969

  • Czesław Krakowiak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Sacrosanctum Concilium; renewal of the liturgy; reform of the liturgy; Consilium; participation of the faithful in the liturgy; Inter Oecumenici; Tres abhinc annos; Latin and vernacular languages in the liturgy; music and art in the liturgy; Notitiae


The great work of the reform of the liturgy that had been recommended by Vaticanum II was done gradually with Pope Paul VI’s full approval. With this aim in mind he established a special Council (Consilium) to implement the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy; the Council published instructions containing detailed directives concerning the reform of the liturgy that were approved by the Pope, and it prepared new liturgical books. Pope Paul VI’s involvement in the implementation of the reform of the liturgy is confirmed by his numerous statements during papal general audiences, published in the periodical Notitiae. The author of the article analyzes the speeches that were made in the years 1966-1969 and mainly concerned the active, inner and outer participation (participatio actuosa) of the faithful in the Holy Mass, and the significance of the vernacular language in the liturgy of the Mass.


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