The Use of the Catechumenal Method in Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (the Catechumenate in the Narrow and Broad Sense of the Word after the Second Vatican Council)

  • Czesław Krakowiak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: catechumenate; baptismal catechumenate; confirmation; including adults in the Church; catechesis; parish; methods of formation


Preparation of the candidates for Confirmation is at present a serious problem for many priests and catechists. The methods of farther and nearer preparation that has been used up till now are getting less and less efficient. Referring to the teaching of the Church the author first characterizes the method of formation of adults for receiving sacraments of Christian initiation, and then points to the possibilities of using it in preparing candidates for Confirmation. Formation of catechumens is done in the parish community and in a similar way, in preparation for Confirmation at least its representatives should be involved. Formation of adult catechumens in preparation for sacraments comprises their evangelization (kerygma and catechesis), that is transmission of the contents of the Church’s faith and principles of moral life, as well as numerous liturgical celebrations connected with the candidates passing to a higher level of preparation. This method may be successfully used in preparing young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Chapter IV of the ritual “Preparation for Confirmation and the Eucharist of adults who received Baptism as children, but did not receive the teaching in the faith” may be a model for such formation. Since the candidates are already baptized, this sacrament should be constantly referred to. In this way they are conducted to personal acceptance of the faith in which they were baptized, and to conversion confirmed by accepting the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.


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