The Church of Vaticanum II and its Ecclesiology. An attempt at Introspection from the Perspective of 50 Years of Gaudium et spes (II)
The article is a continuation of a greater research project whose subject it is to look at the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council II. Carrying it out is occasioned by the fiftieth anniversary of the recent Ecumenical Council (1962-1965), and especially by the anniversary of the publication of the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes.
The second part of the triptych puts the very Constitution Gaudium et spes in the center of the studies, focusing first of all on the history of its edition; the history full of dramaturgy and unexpected turnabouts. Analyzing particular stages allows grasping the significance of the breakthrough that has happened in those – important for the further history of the Church – events.
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