Prevention of the Burnout Syndrome in the Initial Formation of Teachers of Religion

  • Anna Zellma University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Keywords: teacher of religion; the initial formation; prevention; the burnout; professional work; competence


Prevention of burnout syndrome of religious teachers is a part of current discourses on a new quality of the initial formation. Universities offering education for teachers of religion are required to conduct classes during which students are informed about the burnout syndrome as well as strategies to counter this threat.

Therefore, analyses undertaken in this article are intended to show preventive measures that in the burnout syndrome issue should be undertaken in the initial formation of teachers of religion. Fundamental analyses will cover the content of education and the ways how to support students of theology in shaping a mature personality and motivating for professional work. These issues will be preceded by clarification of basic terms, such as prevention, burnout syndrome, initial formation.


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