Catechesis From the Perspective of Rev. Professor Piotr Poręba

  • Piotr T. Goliszek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Piotr Poręba; pedagogy; marriage; family; education; catechesis; man


Reverend Piotr Poręba - an educationist and psychologist, a pastoralist and a theoretician of catechesis - focused his research-didactic work on such questions as: education, marriage, family, catechesis, pastoral family counseling. He studied the issues of catechetics in the historical perspective: he analyzed educationalists’ and catechists’ views and conceptions. He described the area of catechetic practice in the psychological and pedagogical perspective. Hence, catechesis seen from Piotr Poręba’s perspective may be defined as: psycho-pedagogy of catechesis based on Christian anthropology.


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