The Family as a Resource for Civil Society
This article refers to research that has been carried out in Poland in 2010-2012 in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for the Family. The study concerned the family and its functioning in the social conditions in Poland. Their goal was to diagnose the needs of families, the possible areas of support and to answer the question how the present family is resource for civil society.
Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, defines the family as marriage of woman and man which have children. This definition should be perceived in the context of the Church's social teachings, the teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI in particular. In the sociological approach, the whole society is based on the family, which is understood as the most important basic social group, as an intimate relationship, based on mutual feeling, cooperation and mutual responsibility; reinforcement of the internal relations and interactions are the main focus of the family. According to the systemic approach, the family should be treated as a system, in which a change in his one part brings on a change in its other parts.
The presented study is considering the issues concerning the family as a social institution in the context of the following main points: 1. Family – sociological approach; 2. The idea of civil society; 3. Spheres of civil society.
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