Postrzeganie rodzin wielodzietnych przez młodzież studiującą w Polsce i na Ukrainie. Raport z badań
Main Article Content
The main aim of the present article is to show what students from Poland and Ukraine think about families with many children. The text includes information about this phenomenon in both countries and results of the research which compares many children families from Poland and Ukraine.
The minority of families are these with many children in both countries. Nowadays people are afraid of having a lot of children. It can result from the financial problems of the family. Very often people also perceive children as an obstacle to the self-realization. It seems that social perception of many children families creates the feeling of amazement and compassion rather than kindness.
The results obtained in the research show that young people from Poland and Ukraine reinforce families with many children. In spite of the fact, there are differences in the way of perceiving many children families by students in Poland and Ukraine, namely Ukrainians are more optimistic in this matter than Poles. The results also indicate that there are various factors which influence on the difference of opinion including political and economic factors, religious, cultural, environmental and emotional factors.
Nowadays, many children families need the great support from the society and the state. It is worth showing the advantages of large families which positively influence on the state. It is also important to pay attention on families with many children because this phenomenon is vulnerable to many threats.
Article Details
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