Mistrz jako pielgrzym nadziei
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Hope provides life with sense. Therefore it is important to experience it, to express and sustain it. Hope reveils the condition of contemporary human beings. It never leaves them; on contrary, they can abandon hope.
Master is a source of hope for the others – this is a person of extraordinary knowledge of things and rightousness. In a relationship with a disciple, master encourages him or her to work on their personality, being an example of endurance on the path of self-development. We can distinguish two concepts of mastership. The methodic one – emphasizes one's perfect knowledge and ability to use it. According to it, one can learn the master's pattern of behaviour. The goal is one's perfection. The second concept – the personalist one – promotes sacrifition of one's perfection in service to fellowmen. One's perfection is not a goal here, but has its own goal: this is the disciple's growth. In upbringing only the personalist mastership makes it possible to experience the master's existence in its entirety, which represents the hope for the disciples development.
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