The Fathering of a Deaf Child from the Perspective of the Ecosystem Paradigm

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Katarzyna Plutecka


The article focuses on the theoretical approach to the review of literature on the subject of paternity of a deaf child from the perspective of the ecosystem paradigm. Understanding the nature of paternity requires analysis in the ecological paradigm (taking into account the impact of environmental factors: from micro- to macrosystem) and in the systemic paradigm in which it is important to know the ways and quality of interaction between family members and external social systems. The presented analysis of research and scientific reflection allows us to see the need for father’s participation in the development of the psychosocial deaf child in the course of life. In addition, in the context of the considerations taken up, one can accept the thesis that paternity is not only something natural for a person functioning in a social group, but also an expression of understanding the needs of all family members.

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