Chances of Innovative Learning in the Light of Core Curriculum of Early School Education

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Sylwia Pawłowska


Dynamics of civilization transformations require seeking new approaches for the learning. It is losing the learning on meaning conservative which is adapting to the found situation, to observing the rules and acting according to grated schemes. In this regard a learning is worthy of notice innovative, of which anticipation, participating and the responsibility are main trademarks.

Innovative learning is being described by the following categories: understanding, formulating meanings, the learning participating and participatory, learning in social interactions, learning contextual, learning anticipatory, learning creative, being guided by values, the ability of noticing conflicts.

An attempt of the answer to a question is a main purpose of the presented study: what scope is the programme Base of the early-school education creating the chance of the innovative learning in? It walks mainly for creating the structure of the programme records associated with the innovative learning.

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