Timeless Value of Integral Formation According to Edmund Bojanowski

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Alina Rynio


The author makes an attempt to extract the timeless value of an integral formation according to Edmund Bojanowski. At the starting point, she assumed that the “formation” without the necessary help of “education” oriented towards “formation,” in Bojanowski's work, where education and formation are complementary, seeks what is important for modern generations wishing to preserve the memory of his educational and charismatic ministry. Recalling what constitutes a value base on the upbringing of integral formation, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, was called by the Bojanowski Congregation. By analysing the important provisions for the formation of the Rule I published 150 years ago, the author reveals the concept of formation, its essential dimensions and the chosen ways of realization. Completion of the analysis of the source material, which was essentially the First Rule of the Assembly, was to refer to the teaching of Paul VI and John Paul II in post-synodal apostolic exhortations of consecrated formation and their mission in the modern world. The publication ends with conclusions and observations of pedagogical character. From the position of theoretical education, the author in a synthetic way shows the relationship of formation with an integral upbringing, the person who is the formator, and the tasks that take place on the participants of the formation process. Such presented subject allowed to bring out and reveals the timeless value of the unique educational and formation heritage of Bl. Edmund Bojanowski, skilled in reading the signs of time, great realism and openness to social needs.

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