The Chances of Integral Development and Upbringing of a Child in Early-School Age in the Light of New Core Curriculum

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Marta Buk-Cegiełka


According to Ostrowska, integral development is the holistic, internal and external development of a person and adaptation to life according to the pattern.

As Chałas writes, this integral development becomes the priority target of all educational actions. By integral development we understand the development of every layer of human being, integrated with each other and penetrating each other, leading to the fullness of humanity in the project of life.

Integral education should dynamize the development of all of the layers of human life and functions, mutual penetration through realization of values, which naturally are connected to particular layers: biological, psychic, social-moral, cultural, worldview layer.

So the question arises: How Core Curriculum for the first educational stage gives chances of integral development and education? The answer to this question comes down to the establishment of structures of values included in school's aims in the area of early-school education and in the content of teaching. In the article there will be shown the outcome of the analysis.

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