Patterns of cognitive activity in educational packages from a discursive perspective

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Anna Witkowska-Tomaszewska


The available on the Polish market textbooks or - as is the case for early school education – educational packages constitute different variants of materialization of assumptions of the curriculum base “ideologically” interpreted by the author of the textbook. The author can effect this “interpretation” on two planes, political or pedagogical. On the first plane, through the content of the textbook, the author will seek to reproduce social patterns imposed by the dominant social class. In the pedagogical space, on the other hand, the author may attempt to strengthen or weaken through the textbook specific educational ideas, theories of knowledge or educational practices.

In the presented research, the adopted reference point for analysis was the educational place, and a look in the constructivist-interpretative perspective. Adoption by the investigator of the constructivist-interpretative paradigm allows treatment of school textbooks as cultural texts. Such optics enable a closer look at cognitive activity in school textbooks and a search for answers to the questions: What vision of man do the educational packages support, and what are they trying to omit? How do authors of a textbook construct the space of cognitive activity? Can educational packages serve as a tool of symbolic violence and therefore constitute a tool of social adaptation?

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