Getting and building the authority of the teachers of early childhood education

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Anna Jakubowicz-Bryx


Throughout centuries an endless longing for a perfect teacher characterised by rich personality and an ability to leave an impress on students' mental traits can be observed. The primary task of a teacher is preparing the young generation for work and life in a society. The work of an early-school teacher poses great challenges. The tasks and roles which are not easy to cope with require special expertise as they pertain to various spheres of a child's life. All actions undertaken by a teacher have to take a student into account. Therefore, influencing a student through one's own example is inevitable. As an educator, a guide in the world of a child's education and a person who influences pupils a teacher is obliged to educate the young in the spirit of peace, tolerance, responsibility and freedom as per the adopted social standards and norms. Consequently, the article is an attempt to answer the following question: How early education teachers can acquire and build authority?

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