Act as a Principle Orginising Understanding of the Category of Subject and Subjectivity in Pedagogy
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In her article author brings up a popular in the humanities sphere theme of subject and subjectivity. She tries though to show its particularity as regards pedagogy. Pedagogical formulation of this subject-matter particular value comes from the fact that pedagogy is ambitious to conceive the humanity and the upbringing process in integral way. It means that also the categories of subject and subjectivity get the pedagogical dimension when they are not offering services to any conceptions that reduce humanity only to certain dimensions - for instance: consciousness or unconsciousness, spirituality or carnality or else emotions etc. A proposition respecting this integral conceive of humanity is the conception of human person presented by Karol Wojtyla. The category of act is of great importance in it. An act - in the grasp of Wojtyla - surpasses a lot a normal activity, it has a power to spread across both the dynamism of conscious action and the strength of what ‘happens inside’ of a human being. That is the human act which seems to explain a human being and his subjectivity in the best way. The present article tries to substantiate this argument.
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