The Personality Traits in the Context of Self-Esteem and Understanding of Emotions in Musically Talented Students

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Małgorzata Kuśpit


The aim of the study was to determine the independent variables of self-esteem and the understanding of emotions in musically gifted students. The current educational objectives focus on comprehensive development of the pupil. It has also been pointed out that it is necessary to provide pupils with special educational needs, such as highly capable and gifted students, with appropriate conditions for study (Limont, 2005). It is increasingly often that attention is drawn to the need for modernising school curricula and the teaching methods used with gifted pupils and recognising their individual properties and needs. In the process of fostering talent, cognitive abilities play as important a role as personality and the emotional sphere of an individual (Kuśpit, 2018). The subjects included students of music schools (N=231) and grammar schools (N=188) who made up a comparison group aged 15 – 18. The study made use of the Five Factor Inventory NEO-FFI by Costa and McCrae, the SES self-esteem scale by Rosenberg and the Test for Understanding Emotions (TRE) by Matczak and Jaworowska. An analysis of regression was carried out using the introduction method. It was found that in the group of music school students, extroversion and neuroticism were variables crucial for self-esteem, while in the group of grammar schools students - they were neuroticism and conscientiousness. As for understanding emotions, the key variables in grammar school students included extroversion, neuroticism, openness to experience and agreeability, while no significant correlation between personality traits and the understanding of emotions was found in the music school student group.These findings may be helpful in adapting the school curricula to the specific needs of the pupils and in managing the development of talent in such a way as to enable the students to achieve their goals and succeed in different fields of activity.

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