Coping Strategies of Low-Vision People When Faced With Difficult Situations – The Role of Beliefs About the World and Self-Efficacy
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The consequences of low vision concern various areas of human functioning. In the context of problems which affect people with low vision and the stress related to them, remedial activities are gaining increasingly more importance. In the literature on the subject, there are few studies devoted to this issue, and the complete lack of them is noticed regarding the role of beliefs about the world and self-efficacy in shaping the coping with stress of low vision people.
Consequently, the aim of this research paper is to determine the dependence between stress-coping strategies of people with low vision and their beliefs about the world and self-efficacy. In order to achieve the set goal, Mini-COPE Inventory Measuring Stress-Coping Strategies by Carver, Basic Hope Questionnaire by J. Trzebiński and Zięba and The Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale by Schwarzer and Jerusalem were utilized for the research. It has revealed that beliefs about the world and self-efficacy are of relevance for the strategies of coping with stress among people with low vision. The strongest dependency relationships have been specified between the coping strategies (except for two of them) and basic hope.
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