The Models of the Process of Changes in Organisation

  • Kalina Grzesiuk Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: changes in organisation; managing changes; models of the process of changes


The paper seeks to present a synthetic approach to the process of changes in organisation and its course. The models to change organisation as proposed in Polish and foreign literature have been discussed here. We have started from the best known and the most general models, and shown some aspects of managing changes. The less popular theoretical models of the process of changes in foreign literature, yet very interesting from for various points of view, have also been described.

The paper has attempted to gather those models and compare the solution they propose. As a result, some conclusions have been drawn. They concern the common properties of all models, which may help to take effective steps to transform organisations in practice.

Lewin's, Kotter's, or Cameron's basic models of the process of changes are well-known in technical literature. These models underlie the restructuring solutions for concrete organisations that are applied by the biggest consulting firms in the world. The firms may then create their own conceptions, according to how this process of changes in a given organisation should be.


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