Oko kamienia (wokół eseju Władysława Panasa)

  • Paweł Próchniak
Słowa kluczowe: interpretacja; geopoetyka; wyobraźnia symboliczna; judaizm; Lublin


The author interprets a few key motifs in Władysław Panas’s essay entitled The Eye of the Tzaddik. The essay – devoted to the Seeing One of Lublin – in Próchniak’s interpretation becomes a semiotic space within which not only places from the main stream of the discussion are important (as space relationships that are the most important for Panas), but also the ones situated on the fringes that make the interpretative discourse an open structure (referring to the possibilities issuing from the symbolic languages of description – poetical, mythical and religious). The author of The Eye of the Stone undertakes and develops especially these fringe motifs, making his text a peculiar continuation of the considerations presented by the author of The Eye of the Tzaddik.
