Zaślubiny Starego i Nowego Testamentu w sztuce XV wieku. Zarys problematyki badawczej

  • Seweryn Kuter
Słowa kluczowe: estetyka recepcji; sztuka żydowska; zwyczaje weselne; domestic painting; ikonografia zaślubin biblijnych; ikonografia uczt biblijnych


Reception of Jewish art and rituals as well as their effect on Christian iconography of the wedding of the Old and New Testament, and especially the scenes of The Wedding of Mary and Joseph are the main objects of the author's research. They are concerned with the art of the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern age. The author's aim is not only to confront the Biblical narration with the art presentations and to distinguish the repertoire of Jewish symbols and objects made by handicraft presented in the scenes of weddings and of wedding parties, but also to show the infiltration of Jewish wedding rituals into Christian ones that can be seen in art.
