Problems and Challenges of Teachers Teaching Foreign Children in Schools of Wrocław

  • Agnieszka Majewska University of Wrocław
  • Kathryn Northeast University of Wrocław
Keywords: teaching Polish as a foreign language; foreign student at school; teachers’ challenges


‘In recent years, we can observe an increasing number of foreign students in Polish schools. This phenomenon is connected both to the return of Polish families from economic emigration as well as to foreigners coming to work in Poland. The paper is an attempt to discuss the challenges of teachers working with foreigners in schools in Wrocław. On the basis of a survey conducted in schools in 2018, the authors identified the most important challenges raised by teachers: the problem of communicating with the pupil due to language issues, faulty organization of additional language classes, dedicating additional time and attention to foreign students during different subjects, lack of teaching materials, limited contact with the pupils’ parents, difficulties related to an objective assessment of the pupil’s work and emotional and substantive and communication-based difficulties of the students themselves.


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