Translations and reception of Myśliwski’s novels in the Netherlands

  • Joanna Włodarczyk-Kaziród The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: Wiesław Myśliwski; Karol Lesman; translation; reception; Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli; Kamień na kamieniu; Ostatnie rozdanie; Widnokrąg


Wiesław Myśliwski is the best known Polish writer. His books, Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli (A Treatise on Shelling Beans, 2006), Kamień na kamieniu (Stone upon stone, 1984), Ostatnie rozdanie (Last hand, 2013), Widnokrąg (Horizon, 1996), have been translated into Dutch by a well-known translator, Karol Lesman. This research looks at both the work of Karol Lesman and the reception of the above mentioned works in the Netherlands. The books of Myśliwski were enthusiastically welcomed by Dutch readers.


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