„Memory [is] the Only Thing […] which Expels us from the Paradise of the Present.”

About the Mode of Dealing with the Past by the Third Generation after the Shoah – Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Grossmutter (2013) by Ramona Ambs and Die Enkelin (2013) by Channah Trzebiner

  • Anna Rutka The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: Ramona Ambs Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Grossmutter; Channah Trzebiner Die Enkelin; contemporary German novel; third post-Shoah-generation; modification of memory acts


This paper provides an analysis of two novels of Ramona Ambs i Channah Trzebiner, representatives of the third generation after the Shoah. Both novels expound on issues related to the conflict-prone process of transmitting the memory of the Shoah to the contemporary context of the 21st-century reality. The works of these two young German-Jewish writers reflect the complicated and tensioned borderline situation of the young generation. With the declining number of those who have directly witnessed the Holocaust it seems necessary again to redefine their identity and to find new ways of dealing with memory.


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