The Motif of the Lord's Ways on the example of Irina Piatnickoy's Sunny Pima

  • Zoja Kuca Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: orphanage; mother; cross; miracle; Divine Providence; faith; spirituality


The paper is devoted to the analysis of the motif of the Lord's Ways in the story Sunny Pima by Iryna Piatnickoy. Iryna Piatnickoy is a contemporary Russian writer whose writings are mainly focused on spiritual realia as well as on creating spiritual values. In her story, the writer presents the fate of two children from an orphanage; she shows their unshaped interior, which, without any resistance, is open to the contact with the sacrum. On the basis of Stas, one of the children in the orphanage, Iryna Piatnickoy demonstrates how much can be done by an adult person who shows the correct way to the neophyte. A very important place in the story is given to the symbol of the cross, which possesses a number of different connotations in the Christian culture. In Pima Solniecznyj the symbol of the cross is presented in a visual and a verbal way.


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