Par n on entend … and Other Defining Markers in Legal Texts and Their Polish Equivalents
In studies of definitions, so often addressed in different research disciplines, the problem of defining (verbal) predicates present in defining statements is rarely examined, although they are important for a proper understanding of the definiendum. Linguists, mainly French-speaking, generally undertake these studies for the automatic identification of the linguistic structures of these statements in text corpora. Although the defining activity is one of the main activities in the drafting of legal texts, lawyers do not ask themselves questions about the defining predicates.
This article aims to be a multidisciplinary approach to this problem in order to point out its usefulness. The first part contains a reminder of the essential information concerning the linguistic sign and meaning, typologies of lexicographic definitions based on philosophical research, definitional statements and predicates in both the onomasiological and semasiological approach. In the second part, the terminology of language units in legal texts and the specificity of legal definitions are discussed, followed by the French and Polish predicates which are markers of the legal defining statements and which have been manually extracted from the bilingual versions of the code of canon law. The comparison of the constructions of these predicates shows, on the one hand, the characteristic syntactical constructions for each language, and on the other hand the specificity of these predicates in the language of law compared to the defining predicates of the general language. The analysis of the examples provides useful indications for the translation into Polish of the defining predicates in the French legal definitions.
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