Polish as Both a Typological Distant and Related Language—a Comparative Study of Learners’ Lexical Inference Strategies
Polish is a less widely-learnt language. Recently, however, it has become attractive to many learners in Asia, who, whilst learning this typologically distant language in which nothing ‘looks or sounds familiar’, struggle with its grammar and vocabulary. This study examines lexical inference strategies used by Asian learners at B level in order to establish the meaning of unknown words, and compares them with those implemented by learners of Slavic origin for whom Polish is a closely related language. This study has let us establish what strategies the two group of learners employ most often; how the strategies employed by Asian students differ from those of Slavic ones, and what the difference is. The results have thus produced some interesting insight for pedagogic vocabulary practice. Lexical inference is an important way of enlarging learners’ mental lexicon.
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