Eucharistic Spirituality

  • Zbigniew Głowacki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Eucharist; spirituality; Christian life; worship


Appreciation of the meaning of the liturgy in the overall activity of the Church consequently leads to the discovery of its relationship with Christian spirituality. This resulted in the emergence in theology of a domain called liturgical spirituality, in which the liturgy of the Church determines the quality of life of the believer and at the same time shapes it. Considering the importance and role of the Eucharist in Christian life, the fullest realization of liturgical spirituality is the participation of the believer in the Eucharistic liturgy. Hence, we can talk about the so-called Eucharistic spirituality, which is an example of liturgical spirituality. The issue of this article is summarized in the question how the Eucharist and the participation of the believer in it shapes the Christian life.


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