The Charismatic Dimension of the Vocation of a Theologian

  • Marcin Walczak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Słowa kluczowe: theology; methodology of theology; Holy Spirit; charisma; vocation


It is doubtless that theology first of all puts questions about God and man. However, for ages theologians have been also asking questions about the meaning of their own work. One may speak about a peculiar meta-theology that tries to show the role and significance of theology in the life of the Church. The most frequently given answers to the questions about the meaning and character of theology oscillate around the concept of rationality. In such a view theology is a normal human process of making revealed truths understandable for people of a given epoch. However, it seems that such a vision of theology is tantamount to extremely simplifying it and to making it superficial. The question about the significance of theology may only be answered in the light of faith. This light allows seeing theology as a God’s gift, a charisma that helps the Church read the signs of the times and prophetically interpret the Biblical Revelation for a given epoch and culture. A theologian participates in a special charisma, so he should be perceived first of all as one who performs a special service of the word in the Church, and only then as a scholar. Such a charismatic position of theology allows reminding with full strength that the first and fundamental theologian is the Holy Spirit.


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