The Problem of Knowledge of Jesus in Selected Publications (After the II Vatican Council). A Contribution to the History of the Question

  • Grzegorz Strzelczyk
Słowa kluczowe: Christology; humanity of Jesus; knowledge of Jesus; consciousness of Jesus


The article makes a contribution to the history of the discussion on the knowledge of Jesus, which continues within the framework of systematic Christology. The analysis concerns the following single-authored monographs on these issues written in the 20th century, after the Second Vatican Council: H. Riedlinger: Geschichtlichkeit und Vollendung des Wissens Christi (1966), J. Galot: La conscience de Jésus (1971), W.G. Most: The Consciousness of Christ (1980),  P. Kaiser: Das Wissen Jesu Christi in der lateinischen (westlichen) Theologie (1981), R. Maloney: The Knowledge of Christ (1999), J.G. Díaz Macabenta: „Mystical Experience Theory” in Jesus human knowledge and consciousness. An Evaluation (1993/2003).


Bartnik, Czesław S. Dogmatyka katolicka, vol. 1. Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL, 1999.

Bordoni, Marcello. Gesù di Nazaret. Signore e Cristo, vol. 3. Brescia: Herder, 1986.

Brown, Raymond E. Jesus, God and Man. New York: Macmillan, 1967.

D’Avenia, Marco. La conoscenza per connaturalità in S. Tommaso d’Aquino. Bologna: ESD, 1992.

Díaz Macabenta, José G. „Mystical Experience Theory” on Jesus’ Human Knowledge and Consciousness: An Evaluation. Roma: Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis. Facultas Theologiae, 2003.

Galot, Jean. La conscience de Jésus. Paris: Lethielleux, 1971.

Kaiser, Philipp. Das Wissen Jesu Christi in der lateinischen (westlichen) Theologie. Regensburg: Pustet, 1981.

Maloney, Raymond. The Knowledge of Christ, London−New York: Continuum, 1999.

Most, William G. The Consciousness of Christ, Front Royal: Christendom Publications, 1980.

Mouroux, Jean. “Propositions sur la conscience du Christ et le temps.” In Problèmes actuels de christologie. Travaux du symposium de l’Arbresle 1961, edited by Humbert Bouëssé, Jean- Jacques Latour, 179-200. Paris: Desclée, De Brouwer, 1965. Discussion: 427-432.

Rahner, Karl. “Dogmatische Erwägungen über das Wissen und Selbstbewußtsein Christi.” In Schriften zur Theologie, vol. 5, edited by Karl Rahner, 222-245. Einsiedeln: Benziger, 1962.

Riedlinger, Helmut. Geschichtlichkeit und Vollendung des Wissens Christi. Freiburg–Basel−Wien: Herder, 1966.

Riestra, José A. “Experiencia mistica y visión beatífica en Cristo según Santo Tomás.” In Atti del Congresso Tomistico Internazionale, vol. 5: Problemi teologici alla luce dell'Aquinate, 318-325. Città del Vaticano: Libreria editrice vaticana, 1991.
