The Word Is Always Current: Systemizing a Homily in the Christocentric Key. Review Article for the Publication We Proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ. The Contents of Preaching

  • Michał Klementowicz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Słowa kluczowe: actualization; Christocentric; liturgy; preaching


The correct actualization of the Word of God in a Christocentric way is still a necessary matter that aims to properly explain different elements of the kerygma to recipients. The concept of proper actualization has been systematized in We Proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ. The Contents of Preaching. The reviewed publication consists of 13 articles, in which the kerygmatic, existential, didactic and moral aspects of preaching have been presented. The listed items are a compendium for correctly revealing the mystery of Jesus in the ministry of proclaiming the Word of God.


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