Society and Family in Mutual Service

  • Mirosław Brzeziński Institute of Family Studies, Faculty of Theology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: marriage; family; society; service; education; work; unemployment; subsidiarity; solidarity; volunteerism


The family is the basic unit of society, the natural environment and human life first. It is this element of society, without which society could not really exist. The quality of families making up society determines the quality of social life and its development in a spirit of service. The family is a small community that is not able to tackle all your needs in terms of personal development of its members and the implementation of the tasks for which it was established. Therefore, the society based on the principle of subsidiarity and solidarity should support the family, the need to secure and protect its identity. For its part, the knowledge of his family according to society also has a duty towards him, among which the forefront of the work for its development, as well as the education of their children to live in the community and to society. Social concern must be expressed also by volunteering as a form of service to the unemployed , the poor and disadvantaged.


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