St. Vincent de Paul. Between the Conversion of the Ambition and the Mysticism of his Charismatic Action

  • Milad Sidky Zakhary
Keywords: poors/poverty; charity; conversion; charism; mysticism


Located in the 4th centenary of the charisma of St. Vincent de Paul (1617-2017), this study deepens, in the life of the “Grand Saint of the Grand Century”, and by his own words, the ins and outs of his conversion, and charisma. Both reveal, in filigree, his mysticism, which often goes unnoticed. The height of the youth of the charism is directly proportional to the depth of the conversion. We can't ask, no more, “the actions of charity made their time?”. Our Lord Jesus Christ has given the answer: “the poor, indeed, you have always with you” (Mt 26:11). For his part, the Pope Francis invites members of the International Association of Charities with this exhortation: “In being rooted in the personal experience of Christ, you will be able to contribute to a “culture of mercy” that renews deeply the hearts and opens up to a new reality”.

Author Biography

Milad Sidky Zakhary

Dr. Milad Sidky Zakhary CM − né en Égypte, en 1953. Prêtre de la Congrégation de la Mission (Lazaristes). Professeur de théologie dogmatique et de la théologie arabe-chrétienne. Vicaire épiscopal pour la vie consacrée. Fondateur et directeur du Centre Égyptien de Sindonologie, le premier, sinon l'unique actuellement, au Moyen-Orient.


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