“Enthronisation of Christ the King” in Poland as en Example of the Complementarity of Charisms in the Church

  • Marek Chmielewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: enthronisation of Christ the King; laypeople; bishops; charisma; movements


The papers of Rozalia Celak († 1944), the mystic from Cracow, has inspired the wide crowds of laypeople to propagation of the idea of the “Christ's enthronement” as the “King of Poland” in purpose of the moral and spiritual revival of the nation. Thanks of mature and fruitful co-operation between Polish bishops' and faithful laypeople into the Board of enthronement movements, it achieved the solemn proclamation the Jubilee Act of the Acceptance of Jesus Christ as the King in the sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Cracow 19 November 2016 at the closing of the celebration of 1050 anniversary of Poland's Baptism and the Year of Mercy.

This is the good example of complementariness of charisms in the Church, which effects the long process of spiritual revival in the Polish nation.


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