Between Sacralization and Banalization. Suffering in the Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx

  • Antoni Nadbrzeżny Institute for Dogmatic Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Edward Schillebeeckx; phenomenology of suffering; contextual theology; Christian orthopraxis; resistance, solidarity


This paper discusses the relationship between human suffering and the Christian praxis of solidarity in the theology of Edward Schillebeeckx. The author first describes the personalist and humanist character of Schillebeeckx’s theology. He then presents the different types of individual and communal suffering. In the final part of his paper, the author expounds the categories of orthopraxis and metanoia. Emphasis is placed upon the concepts of the Christian solidarity and resistance to suffering. It is not suffering itself but the human attitude toward those who suffer that manifests and advances the Reign of God in our earthly history.


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