Teaching Religion as a Space for Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children

Keywords: religious instruction; teacher of religion; sexual abuse; children; prevention; pedagogy


Sexual abuse of children occurs in various social environments. Currently, this subject emerges increasingly often not only in scientific studies, but also in the public debate and in programmes of prevention and education in schools. However, there are still not enough studies on the role of religion teaching in the prevention of sexual abuse of children. Due to their educational dimension and correlation with school teaching, religion lessons play an important role in prophylactic activities. They provide the right space for taking up initiatives in the prevention of sexual abuse of children. A new curriculum for religion teaching in the primary school emphasises issues related to a safe environment and recognising threats in one’s surrounding and responding properly. A religion teacher is obliged to not only look after children and ensure their safety, but also to equip them with knowledge and skills which will help them to recognise and avoid situations in which they are at risk of being abused sexually. When taking up the issues described above, this study refers both to education law and to new documents in the religious instruction curriculum. Attention was drawn to the objectives and content as well as to organisational and methodological solutions applied in preventive activities in this regard. In this context, the importance of the cooperation of a religion teacher with parents, the school and relevant services (e.g. police) was emphasised because the involvement of parents plays a very important role in preventing sexual abuse of children.


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