The Concluding Rites in Typical Editions of the Missal of Paul VI

  • Piotr Kulbacki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Missal of Paul VI; concluding rites; blessing; priest’s greeting; announcements; altar, `


This study presents the structure of the concluding rites of the Mass in the post-conciliar Missal and their changes in the three typical editions. The post-conciliar reform preserved the tradition of the rites. In the Missal they are better arranged and more transparent with their meaning more clearly conveyed. The subsequent small changes were aimed at deepening this process. Therefore, the study gives selected historical roots of the rites and presents the corrections made in the Missal. This enables a better understanding of the evolution of the individual elements of the rites. It also serves as a spur to further research on the roots of the liturgical reform.


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