Psychological Determinants of Children Moral Education at Primary School Age

  • Lidia Łysiuk University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI)
Keywords: morality; morality development; primary school age; moral education


The aim of the article is to systematize theoretical and empirical data concerning psychological determinants of children moral education at primary school age. It is assumed that morality appears in situations when one should take into account needs and rights of another person and acts as a system of self-regulation to choose between morally desirable behavior and behavior beyond moral norm. Each stage of child’s development has been characterized by specific social interactions, determined formation of certain structures of moral self-regulation. New school life conditions cause deepening of moral reality learning and influence moral identity development. According to the mentioned features of morality development, substantive aspects of the overall process of upbringing at a primary school age were identified. First of all, impacts directed at the separate elements of moral self-regulation system formation (moral knowledge, moral identity, moral assessments, empathy and others). Second, czostajategory of interactions refers to real situations when child is a subject or object of moral activities. Features of moral situation determine educational goals and system of influences aimed at supporting children’s morality development.


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